Smoothies & Shakes

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake: A Decadent Treat


Indulge in the irresistible combination of chocolate, peanut butter, and banana with this decadent Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake. Creamy, rich, and satisfying, this shake is the perfect way to satisfy your sweet cravings while providing a boost of energy. Whether enjoyed as a post-workout refuel or a delightful dessert, this shake is sure to become a favorite indulgence for chocolate and peanut butter lovers alike.


For the Shake:

  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
  • Ice cubes

For Garnish:

  • Chocolate shavings
  • Sliced bananas
  • Peanut butter drizzle

Preparation Time: 5 minutes | Serves: 2


1. Prepare the Shake:

  • In a blender, combine the frozen bananas, cocoa powder, peanut butter, milk, and honey or maple syrup if using.
  • Add a handful of ice cubes to the blender to make the shake chilled and refreshing.
  • Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy, ensuring that all ingredients are well incorporated.

2. Serve:

  • Pour the chocolate peanut butter banana shake into glasses, dividing it evenly between them.

3. Garnish:

  • Garnish each glass with a sprinkle of chocolate shavings for a touch of elegance and indulgence.
  • Top with sliced bananas and a drizzle of peanut butter for added flavor and visual appeal.


  1. Protein Boost: Peanut butter adds a dose of protein to this shake, helping to keep you feeling full and satisfied.
  2. Potassium-Rich: Bananas are rich in potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure and support muscle function.
  3. Antioxidants: Cocoa powder contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which may have heart health benefits and contribute to overall well-being.
  4. Energy Source: The combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats in this shake provides a quick and sustained source of energy.
  5. Satisfying Treat: This shake satisfies sweet cravings while providing a nutritious and delicious treat that you can feel good about enjoying.


With its creamy texture and indulgent flavors, this Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake is a delightful treat for any time of day. Whether you’re in need of a quick breakfast on the go or a satisfying post-workout refuel, this shake delivers a burst of energy and flavor that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied. So blend up a batch, sit back, and savor the rich combination of chocolate, peanut butter, and banana in every sip.

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